Regional and international maritime and territorial waters conventions

Course Details:


The rights of the coastal state in the territorial waters The Convention indicates that each state has the right to work to determine the width of its territorial sea at a distance not exceeding 12 nautical miles measured from the baselines established in accordance with this Convention, and that the baseline for measuring the width of the territorial sea is the lowest low-water mark along the coast.

International maritime treaties and agreements are agreements between states that establish rules and regulations for maritime activities in order to ensure the safety, security and sustainability of international shipping and maritime navigation. International maritime treaties and agreements play a crucial role in managing the global shipping industry, and these agreements establish a framework for cooperation and regulations to ensure the safe and environmentally sustainable operation of ships.

International maritime treaties and agreements are important because they provide a common set of rules and regulations that govern maritime activities between countries. They help ensure the safety of ships and crews, protect the marine environment, facilitate trade, enhance international cooperation, and improve maritime safety measures. For this reason, the international community joined forces to establish the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1959, a specialized agency operating under the umbrella of the United Nations, to develop and maintain international maritime regulations. The organization has played a fundamental role in formulating and implementing many treaties and agreements to improve safety, security and environmental standards in the shipping industry.

 course objectives

This training course on international conventions and treaties of maritime organizations aims to provide participants with all the information according to the latest versions and amendments included in international treaties and agreements.

By the end of this training course, participants will be familiar with the following:

SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) requirements
ILO Convention
Convention on Requirements for Seafarers
International Safety Management Standards

International Ship and Port Security Standard
Certifications required for officers and seafarers working at sea
Contract Management
Maritime Employment Contract
Vessel Inspection
Definition of Responsibilities

Date & Location

Sun - 16 Nov 2025 - cairo

Date : Sun - 16 Nov 2025
Duration : 5 days
Place : cairo
Language : Arabic
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Sun - 20 Apr 2025 - Dubai

Date : Sun - 20 Apr 2025
Duration : 5 days
Place : Dubai
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