Course Details:
How to Prepare and Present Clear, Concise, and Convincing Reports and Presentations
By the end of this Advanced Report Writing and Presentation Skills training course, participants will be able to:
- Structure reports effectively using the “Pyramid Principle” storytelling methodology
- Create impactful reports using professional business language and charts
- Repurpose written reports for use as powerful presentations
- Deliver presentations to influence key decision-makers
- How to gain and retain confidence to present in front of the audience
- Understanding the power of “connection” with the audience
- Better communication skills through animation, simulation, and use of videos
- Ability to create a captivating story for every presentation
Course outline :
Reporting Scope and Structure
- Key principles and definitions
- Scoping a report based on your objectives
- Organizing content to match audience
- Developing a compelling storyboard using Pyramid Principle
- Situation
- Complication
- Question
- Answer (how, why, or what)
- Key Lines
- Achieving flow through effective transitioning
- Deductive reasoning
- Abductive arguments
- Content, Substance and Getting You Message Clear
- Planning for the perfect presentation
- Seven step preparation model
- Researching the audience and setting time related objectives
Report writing and presentations editing and improving
- Key principles of editing and making your writing clear, concise and convincing
- Developing a 'lean & fit' writing style to your content
- Tailoring our message to the reader’s needs
- Is the reader clear as to WHY we are writing?
- Clear and concise writing editing techniques
- Active and passive voice (what is the difference and guidelines for use)
- Traits of organized writing and presentation
- Gathering and analyzing data
- Empirical data
- Anecdotal data
- Finding the “So What?” and connecting with audience
- Generating conclusions and creating a call to action
- Presenting recommendations using Opportunity Charters
Repurposing Reports for Presentations
- Fundamentals of data visualization
- Gene Zelazny’s Approach to visual aids
- Determining message (Purpose, audience & key idea)
- Design principles for creating high-impact slides in PowerPoint
- How to structure your slide presentation - examples
- Time-saving tips to create PowerPoint slides in a hurry
- The use of templates, colour, shapes, and design tips
- How to create notes, handouts and using as a presenter
- Creating a ‘map’ for your audience
- Planning sessions
Date & Location
Sun - 13 Oct 2024 - Istanbul
Date : Sun - 13 Oct 2024
Duration : 5 days
Place :
Language : Arabic
Price : 3400 USD
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