Upcoming Courses

Course Name Location Starts Duration
Strategies and techniques for preparing and managing contracts and reducing financial and legal risks Dubai 4/5/2025 5 days
cairo 4/5/2025 5 days
Advanced supervisory skills and promoting a creative environment at work Dubai 4/5/2025 5 days
Liquidity planning and cash management cairo 4/5/2025 5 days
Enterprise Risk Management course Dubai 4/5/2025 5 days
Developing judicial and administrative control skills in monitoring, inspection, and controlling violations Dubai 4/5/2025 5 days
Valve Operations & Maintenance Istanbul 4/5/2025 5 days
Operation, Diagnostics and Maintenance of Equipment for Oil & Gas Production cairo 4/5/2025 5 days
Strategic thinking and planning cairo 11/5/2025 5 days
Excellence in preparing and managing tenders, specifications and contracts Istanbul 11/5/2025 5 days
AI-Powered Marketing: Personalization at Scale Dubai 11/5/2025 5 days
Litigation procedures and filing lawsuits Dubai 11/5/2025 5 days
Managing and arbitrating contracts, variation orders and contract claims Khobar 11/5/2025 5 days
Gas Turbine Maintenance & Overhauling Istanbul 11/5/2025 5 days
International Oil Supply, Transportation, Refining and Trade - توريد النفط الدولي والنقل والتكرير والتجارة Istanbul 11/5/2025 5 days
Strategic thinking and planning Dubai 18/5/2025 5 days
The role of governance and controls in reducing risks and combating financial and administrative corruption Dubai 18/5/2025 5 days
Writing legal documents and effective commercial contracts Alexandria 18/5/2025 5 days
Settlement of disputes through arbitration Germany 18/5/2025 5 days
Litigation procedures and filing lawsuits Dubai 18/5/2025 5 days
Managing and arbitrating contracts, variation orders, and contract claims Khobar 18/5/2025 5 days
Steam Turbine Operation & Protection cairo 18/5/2025 5 days
Application of the Eurogap standards in the organic farming product kuala lumpur 25/5/2025 5 days
Forensic accounting, fraud and money laundering London 25/5/2025 5 days
Documentary Credits Dubai 25/5/2025 5 days
Internal Audit Leadership & Effective Planning London 25/5/2025 5 days
Skills in legal interpretation, drafting and following up on legal procedures Riyadh 25/5/2025 5 days
Managing and arbitrating contracts, variation orders, and contract claims Dubai 25/5/2025 5 days
Skills in interpretation, legal analysis, and drafting legal procedures Khobar 25/5/2025 5 days
Civil Transactions System Khobar 25/5/2025 5 days
Mechanical Troubleshooting: Pumps, compressors, Bearings & Lubrication Dubai 25/5/2025 5 days
Effective Maintenance Planning Techniques in Refineries cairo 25/5/2025 5 days

Welcome to ITCC

The development of a culture of learning increases the possibilities and the potential of individuals and provide operational efficiency, which in turn increase the growth and development of work, and here comes our turn and main role, we are the International Training and  Consultation Center , where we put your organization of the summit of the role of competitive, and to our recognition that employees and organizations are the greatest wealth and the main reason for the development of society.

What is the International Training and  Consultation Center ?
 International Training and  Consultation Center of leading institutions in the Middle East region, which was established its head office in Alexandria, Egypt in 2002 to extend its branches over the following years to include branches inside and outside Egypt, in several Arab, European, Asian and American countries...
The ITCC is a scientific initiative in the field of professional training ... It present a set of training programmes and consulting services of high quality and efficiency to many of the ministries, institutions, organizations and major companies in various fields in the Middle East, especially the Arab world, and to solve problems and obstacles that hinder the performance of individual and institutional development, and development and thus ensure that training solutions for the development of the capacities of personnel at the site of their work , which makes the sessions of theInternational Training and  Consultation Center the most appropriate solution to achieve the goals of change and development.


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