Upcoming Courses

Course Name Location Starts Duration
Insurance risk management cairo 5/1/2025 5 days
Insurance investigation strategies - to detect violations and fraud cairo 5/1/2025 5 days
Hospitals and health organizations management Sharm El-Shikh 5/1/2025 5 days
Advanced supervisory skills and enhance the creative environment at work Dubai 5/1/2025 5 days
Advanced digital indexing and archiving and electronic document management (EDMS) Dubai 5/1/2025 5 days
Excellence in business management and stimulation of creative energies Alexandria 5/1/2025 5 days
Managing the quality of services, dealing with complaints and achieving customer satisfaction cairo 5/1/2025 5 days
Management of commercial centers Istanbul 5/1/2025 5 days
Government Property Management Online 5/1/2025 5 days
Oil Movement, Storage and Troubleshooting - حركة النفط والتخزين واستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها Istanbul 5/1/2025 5 days
Advanced Level Automatic Gearbox(2) cairo 12/1/2025 5 days
Medical Insurance cairo 12/1/2025 5 days
Advanced standards in the planning and preparation of internal HR policies Dubai 12/1/2025 12 days
leadership creativity and innovative organizational preparation for teams and working groups Dubai 12/1/2025 5 days
Pneumatic Systems and Troubleshooting Istanbul 12/1/2025 5 days
Gas Turbine Operation Frame 7 cairo 12/1/2025 5 days
Biological and integrated pest control Istanbul 12/1/2025 5 days
Digital Content Writing Creatively Dubai 12/1/2025 5 days
ضبط جودة مياه الشرب وتقنيات المختبرات kuala lumpur 19/1/2025 5 days
Advanced Project Management London 19/1/2025 5 days
Control and control stress and pressure, and promote positive energy for performance excellence cairo 19/1/2025 5 days
Hydraulic Systems and Troubleshooting cairo 19/1/2025 5 days
Lab Safety, Hazards, Risk Assessment and COSHH cairo 19/1/2025 5 days
Applied Coring and Well Logging for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization Istanbul 19/1/2025 5 days
Detecting forgery and dealing with electronic clearing signatures Istanbul 26/1/2025 12 days
Advanced administrative approach to developing work systems, re-engineering administrative processes and simplifying procedures Dubai 26/1/2025 5 days
GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY & HPLC Dammam 26/1/2025 5 days

Welcome to ITCC

The development of a culture of learning increases the possibilities and the potential of individuals and provide operational efficiency, which in turn increase the growth and development of work, and here comes our turn and main role, we are the International Training and  Consultation Center , where we put your organization of the summit of the role of competitive, and to our recognition that employees and organizations are the greatest wealth and the main reason for the development of society.

What is the International Training and  Consultation Center ?
 International Training and  Consultation Center of leading institutions in the Middle East region, which was established its head office in Alexandria, Egypt in 2002 to extend its branches over the following years to include branches inside and outside Egypt, in several Arab, European, Asian and American countries...
The ITCC is a scientific initiative in the field of professional training ... It present a set of training programmes and consulting services of high quality and efficiency to many of the ministries, institutions, organizations and major companies in various fields in the Middle East, especially the Arab world, and to solve problems and obstacles that hinder the performance of individual and institutional development, and development and thus ensure that training solutions for the development of the capacities of personnel at the site of their work , which makes the sessions of theInternational Training and  Consultation Center the most appropriate solution to achieve the goals of change and development.


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